EventLog Analyzer Help
EventLog Analyzer gives you a wide range of options to contact the Technical Support team in case you run into any problem.
The License page displays the existing license details such as the type of license, the number of days to expire, and the number of device(s), and/or application(s) currently monitored. There is a link to upgrade the EventLog Analyzer license. You can enter the name of the new license file in the text box provided, or use the Browse button to select the license file, and apply it using the Upgradebutton.
Support page displays all the information regarding the support channels available to solve any of the product issues.
The About page displays the knowledge information, about the product, such as the build version, build number, service pack applied if any, database used, build date, type, installation language, support and sales email IDs.
User Guide
The User guide (this document) displays contextual help information for the particular product screen selected.
At any time, you can click the Feedback link in the bottom right, to send any issues or comments to the EventLog Analyzer Technical Support team.